Red Hat OpenShift vs Kubernetes - A comparison of container platforms

September 27, 2021


In recent years, containerization has gained an enormous amount of popularity in the IT industry. Containers have revolutionized the way we develop, deploy and manage applications in production. Kubernetes has been the go-to choice for container orchestration due to its simplicity, stability, and scalability. But, now many companies are shifting towards Red Hat OpenShift, which provides an enterprise-grade Kubernetes distribution with added benefits. In this blog post, we’ll compare these two popular container platforms and see what they each have to offer.


First, let's define Red Hat OpenShift and Kubernetes:

  • Kubernetes: Kubernetes is a container orchestration system that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

  • Red Hat OpenShift: OpenShift is a Kubernetes distribution with additional developer- and operations-centric tools that simplify and streamline building, deploying, and managing containerized applications.


Ease of Installation and Set-up

Kubernetes is relatively easy to install and set up, as there are various guides and documentation available online. However, the installation process can be time-consuming and requires a significant amount of technical knowledge. On the other hand, Red Hat OpenShift provides a web-based installation interface that makes the installation process much smoother.

Ease of Use

Kubernetes is easy to use for experienced users, but it can be challenging for new users due to its complex architecture. In contrast, Red Hat OpenShift provides additional layers of abstraction on top of the Kubernetes platform, making it easier to use and manage.


Both Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift have strong security policies. Kubernetes provides tools for authenticating and authorizing access to the cluster. Red Hat OpenShift provides additional security layers with tools like SELinux, sVirt, and OperatorHub.


Kubernetes is an open-source platform, and hence there are no direct costs associated with it. However, companies generally need to hire Kubernetes experts to deploy and manage the platform, which can be expensive.

Red Hat OpenShift is a commercial product that requires a subscription fee. However, it provides additional enterprise-grade features and support. Companies can take advantage of Red Hat’s support and training services.


Both Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift are highly scalable platforms. Kubernetes can handle thousands of containers spread across hundreds of nodes. Red Hat OpenShift can also scale horizontally and vertically to meet the needs of large enterprise workloads.

Community Support

Kubernetes has a massive and active community of developers contributing to the platform. Red Hat OpenShift has a smaller developer community, but it still benefits from the vast Kubernetes community.


In conclusion, Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift are two of the most popular container platforms in the industry. Kubernetes is an open-source platform that is flexible and scalable, making it ideal for small to medium-sized companies. Red Hat OpenShift is an enterprise-grade Kubernetes distribution that provides additional features and support, making it ideal for large organizations. Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on your business requirements.


  1. Red Hat OpenShift Official Website
  2. Kubernetes Official Website
  3. Red Hat OpenShift or Kubernetes: Which Is the Best Choice?
  4. Kubernetes vs. OpenShift: What’s the Verdict?

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